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Уварова Олена Олександрівна

Доцентка, кандидатка юридичних наук, доценткаКафедра прав людини та юридичної методології

Теми кандидатської і докторської дисертацій

Роль принципів права у процесі правозастосування


Books and manuals

  1. Uvarova, Olena (2022). Responsible business conduct in times of war: Implications for essential goods & services providers in Ukraine, [Ukrainian and English].
  2. Uvarova, Olena, Karnaukh, Bohdan (2022). Civil Liability for Human Rights Violations: Ukraine. A Handbook for practitioners. Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, University of Oxford, 30 p.
  3. Uvarova, Olena, Yasenovska, Maria (2020). Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights in Times of Internal Displacement: the Gender Component. [Ukrainian].
  4. Uvarova, Olena and Kateryna Buryakovska (2019). Business and Human Rights – Training Manual for Law Students. [Ukrainian].
  5. Uvarova, Olena (2020). Business and Human Rights in times of Covid-19, Kyiv, in cooperation with Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights of Ukraine [Ukrainian].
  6. Uvarova, Olena (2019). Gender Equality and Women’s Rights (within the Erasmus+ project, Kyiv) [Ukrainian].
  7. E-Training Manual for Judges and Prosecutors on Ensuring Women’s Access to Justice / Council of Europe.
  8. Uvarova, Olena (2018). Access to Justice for LGBTI people in Ukraine: international and regional standards of human rights, Kharkiv, Pravo, 217 p. [Ukrainian]
  9. Uvarova, Olena, Yasenovska, Maria, Babii, Victoria (2019). Women and Displacement in Ukraine, Kharkiv: Public Alternative, 54 p. [Ukrainian]
  10. Uvarova, Olena, Yasenovska Maria, Buryakovska, Katerina (2020). Gender Dimension of Internal Displacement: Legal Instruments to Protect, Kharkiv: Public Alternative, 66 p. [Ukrainian]
  11. Uvarova, Olena, Yasenovska, Maria (2020). Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights in Situation of Internal Displacement: Gender Component, Kharkiv: Public Alternative, 44 p. [Ukrainian]
  12. Uvarova, Olena, Yasenovska, Maria (2020). Gender Dimension of Internal Displacement: International Experience and Case of Ukraine, Kharkiv: Public Alternative, 74 p. [Ukrainian]
  13. Uvarova, Olena, Yasenovska, Maria (2020). Internal Displacement in Ukraine: Gender Component in Local Policies, Kharkiv: Public Alternative, 48 p. [Ukrainian]
  14. Uvarova, Olena, Yasenovska, Maria (2020). Women who are human rights defenders in Cases of Business Related Human Rights Abuses, Kharkiv: Public Alternative, 32 p. [Ukrainian and English].
  15. Uvarova, Olena (2019). Women Rights Protection: Legal Instruments to Ensure Gender Equality in Ukraine, Kharkiv, 116 p. [Ukrainian].
  16. Uvarova, Olena (2020). Legal Sources (Chapter 11), Law Enforcement (Chapter 24, in Theory of Law: Textbook for law students, Kharkiv, p. 107-122; 264–270.
  17. Uvarova, Olena (2012). Legal principles in the process of Law Enforcement, Kharkiv, 196 p. [Ukrainian]


  1. Uvarova, Olena, Khrystova, Ganna (2022). “Gender Component of Internal Displacement in Ukraine: A Case of Business (In)Capability to Localize Human Rights Impact Assessment”, Business and Human Rights Journal, First View, p. 1-8.
  2. Uvarova, Olena (2021). “Business and Human Rights in Times of Global Emergencies: Comparative Perspective”, Comparative Law Review, Vol. 26.
  3. Uvarova, Olena (2021). “Business and Human Rights: Key Questions for the Theory of Law”, Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law vol. 1, pp. 21–47 [Ukrainian].
  4. Uvarova, Olena (2019). “Business and Human Rights in Conflict: An Interdisciplinary Search for a New Concept”, Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law, vol. 1. [Ukrainian].
  5. Uvarova, Olena, Slinko, Tatyana (2019). Freedom of Expression in Ukraine: (Non)sustainable Constitutional Tradition, Baltic Journal of European Studies. Vol. 9. № 3 (28). P. 25–42.
  6. Uvarova, Olena (2017). Principle on non-discrimination based on gender in Ukrainian jurisprudence, Law of Ukraine, Vol. 7, p. 56-66 [Ukrainian].
  7. Принцип верховенства права в судовій практиці України Філософія права і загальна теорія права. 2013. № 1. С. 65-72.


  1. Uvarova, Olena (2021). SMEs Digital Transformation in the EaP countries in COVID-19 Time: Challenges and Digital Solutions. EaP CSF COVID-19 Policy Paper. Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.
  2. National Baseline Assessment on Business and Human Rights in Ukraine (2019), Full text [Ukrainian] and summary (in English).
  3. Business and Human Rights in Ukraine: Accelerating Sustainable and Equitable Development Through Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2022), Research team: Nicolaj Sonderbye, Olena Uvarova, Anastasiia Tokunova, Maryna Saprykina, Daria Nagaivska, Alevtyna Sanchenko, Irene Fedorovych, Olena Mytnyk, Kyiv, 326 p. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2022).
  4. The Status of the Implementation of the UNGPs on Business and Human Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (2022). Istanbul: United Nations Development Programme, Research team: Beata Faracik, Jernej Letnar Černič and Olena Uvarova (Forthcoming).

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