Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies Centre
Yuliia Razmietaieva
Head of the Centre
Hanna Ponomarova
Leading expert of the Centre
Nataliia Filatova-Bilous
Leading expert of the Centre
The Center for Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies was established on February 15, 2021 as a structural unit of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University.
The Center is designed to contribute to the development of law, ethics and technology in the digital age by conducting and promoting research in law, ethics and digital technologies, including interdisciplinary research at the intersection of these fields.
The main areas of the academic research are: (1) “The Future of the Digital World”, (2) “Democracy in the Digital Age: Open Opportunities and Hidden Threats”, (3) “Legal and Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence”, (4) “Security Challenges Against the Background of Information and Hybrid Wars”.
The Center provides expertise in the field of law, ethics and digital technologies, including analysis of legislation, administrative and judicial practice and provides scientific and expert opinions.
The Center organizes and promotes educational activities in the field of law, ethics and digital technologies. In particular, in partnership with the Kharkiv Regional Foundation “Public Alternative” and with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine, the project “Applying Human Rights to Digital Tech” was implemented in 2020-2021.
The Center implements information projects with the involvement of Ukrainian and foreign scientists and practitioners, non-governmental organizations and businesses, international partners, including in online format.
The Center is open to partnerships in the implementation of research, educational and informational projects, expert activities in law, ethics and digital technologies.
In 2022-2025, the Center is implementing the Erasmus+ project “European Fundamental Values in Digital Era”. More information about this roject here.
You can find some events, talks and other activities results on YouTube channel here.
You can find feedbacks for the European Commission here and here.
For proposals for joint activities and questions about the Center, please contact
Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies Centre
84-A, Hryhoriia Skovorody street, room 802, Kharkiv