Mykhailo Isakov
Supervisory BoardChairman of the Supervisory Board of Globus Law Firm
Mykhailo Isakov is an Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Member of the High Council of Justice, Member of the High Qualification Commission of the Bar of Ukraine, Member of the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Bar of the Kharkiv Region. From 2006 to 2011 he was a Member of the Board of the All-Ukrainian public organization “Association of Lawyers of Ukraine”. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board at the Supreme Court. Author of more than 15 scientific publications, co-author of the book for young lawyers “Encyclopaedia of the Future Lawyer”. Since 2019 he is a member of the working group on the development of legislation on the organization of the judiciary and the administration of justice of the Commission on Legal Reform.