1. Danilyan O. G, Dzeban A. P., KalinovskyY. Y., Kalnytskyi E. A., Zhdanenko S. B. Personal information rights and freedoms within the modern society. Informatologia. 2018. № 51 (1-2). Р. 24-33.
2. Baranov P. P., Mamychev A. Yu., Danilyan O. G., Oleynikov N. S., Perevalova L. V. State power in modern society: the problems of understanding and investigation. Amazonia Investige. 2018. Vol. 7. Num. 16. Р. 373-379.
3. Mamychev A. Yu., Danilyan O. G., Kravchenko A. G., Blochina N. A., Anisimova H. V. Political and Legal Models of State Institute: Transformation in the 21st century. Orbis. 2018. № 41. P. 55-64.
4. Karabushchenko P. L., Ponedelkov A. V., Vorontsov S. A., Danilyan O. G., Vronskaya M. V. Elitology of education and challenges of the 21st century. Amazonia Investiga. 2018. Vol. 7. № 17. P. 343-352.
5. Danilyan O., Dzeban A. Space Law at 21st Century: The Security Issues. Philosophy and Cosmology. 2019. Vol. 22. P. 6-15.
6. Danilyan O. G., Dzeban A. P., Kalinovsky Y. Y., Kovalenko I. I., Melyakova J. V., Danilyan V. O. Information security of a modern democratic state: axiological context. Religacion. Journal of social sciences and humanities. 2019. Vol. 4. № 21 (November special issue 2019). P. 278-285.
7. Tatsiy V. Ya., Danilyan O. G. The impact of globalization processes on the legal sphere. Amazonia Investige. 2019. Vol. 8. № 22. P. 580-586.
8. Apolskii D. E., Mordovtsev A. Y., Mamychev A. Yu., Mordovtseva T. V., Danilyan O. G. Meta-Theoretical Studies in the History of Legal and Political Doctrines: Heuristic Potential. Revista Dilemas Contempordneos: Education, Politicay Valores. 2019. Vol. 7. Iss. 1. № 123. P. 1-15.
9. Getman A. P., Danilyan O. G., Dzeban A. P., Kalinovsky Y. Y., Hetman Y. A. Information security in modern society: Sociocultural aspects. Amazonia Investige. 2020. Vol. 9. № 25. Р. 6-14.
10. Tatsiy V. Ya., Danilyan O. G. Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of the rule of law state in Ukraine. Amazonia Investige. 2020. Vol. 9. № 26. Р. 442-449.
11. Tatsiy V.Ya., Danilyan O. G. Legal culture and state building in modern Ukraine: problems of mutual influence. Revista Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores. 2020. Vol. 7. Issue 2. № 85. Р. 1-14.
12. Danilyan O. G., Dzeban A. P., Kalinovsky Y. Y., KovalenkoI. I.,Melyakova J. V.,Danilyan V. O.Value determinants of the information security of a democratic state. Revista Inclusiones. 2020. Vol. 7. № 2. Р. 457-473.
13. Panchenko O., Danilyan O., Lytvyn V., Diego Felipe Arbeláez-Campillo, Magda Julissa Rojas-Bahamón, Halych M., Rybyk L. Lecturas del miedo y control social en la teoría sociocrítica y posmoderna. Cuestiones Politicas. 2020. Volume 38. Num. 66. P. 23-42.
14. Bytiak Y.P., Danilyan O. G., Dzeban A. P., Kalinovsky Y. Y., Chalapko V.V. Information society: the interaction of tradition and innovation in communicative processes. Amazonia Investige. 2020. Vol. 9. № 27. Р. 217-226.
15. Arbeláez-Campillo, D., Tatsiy, V., Rojas-Bahamón, M., Danilyan, O. Contributions of critical thinking as a form of participation and political deliberation. Amazonia Investige. 2020. Vol. 9. № 27. Р. 5-12.
16. Baranov P.P., Mamychev A.Yu., Mordovtsev A.Yu., Danilyan O.G., Dzeban А.Р. Developing and Applying Robotic Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Systems (using autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles). Gênero & Direito, v. 9, n. 03, 23 abr. 2020. Р. 553-573.
17. Bytiak Y. P., Danilyan O. G., Dzeban A. P., Kalynovskyi Y. Yu., Finin H. I. Cyberspace and virtual reality as characteristics of the information society. Revista Inclusiones. 2021. Vol. 8. № 1. P. 332-349.
18. Danilyan O. G., Dzeban O. P., Kalynovskyi Y. Y., Klenina К. The influence of historical traditions on the formation of legal consciousness of the Ukrainian people. Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas. Número 26. 2021. P. 144-165.
19. Getman A. P., Danilyan O. G., Dzeban O. P., Kalynovskyi Y. Y., Crespo, J. E. International legal environmental protection: historical aspect. Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas. 2021. Julio-Diciembre. Número 27. P. 389-413.
20. Getman Anatolii P., Danilyan Oleg G., Magda Julissa Rojas-Bahamón, Diego Felipe Arbeláez-Campillo, Olexandra’s Ptashnyk-Serediuk. Rethinking the category of organic intellectual of/by Antonio Gramsci in today’s world. Cuestiones Politicas. 2021. Volume 39. Num. 68. P. 273-289.
21. Barabash Yuriy G., Danilyan Oleg G. Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University ‒ the leading law institution of Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga. 2021. Vol. 10. Núm. 37. P. 7-8.
22. Danilyan O. G., Dzeban O. P., Kalynovskyi Y. Y., Hetman Y. A. Historical and cultural-mental origins of legal consciousness of the Ukrainian people. Revista notas historicas y geograficas. 2022. № 28. P. 346–360.
23. Danilyan O. G., Arbeláez-Campillo D. F., Rojas-Bahamón M. J. The influence of globalization processes on the culture sphere. Revista de Filosofia. 2022. 39, Iss. 100. P. 143-154.
24. Getman, A.P., Danilyan, O.G. Russian aggression against Ukraine and its consequences for humanity. Amazonia Investiga. 2022. Vol. 11(53). Р. 7-8.
25. Getman A.P., Danilyan O.G., Dzeban O.P., Kalynovskyi Y.Y. Modern ontology: reflection on the continuity of cyberspace and virtual reality. Revista de Filosofia. 2022. Vol. 39, Iss. 102. P. 78–94.
26. Danilyan O.G. In memory of outstanding Ukrainian legal scholar and teacher Vasyl Yakovych Tatsiy. Amazonia Investiga. 2022. 11(55). Р. 6-7.
27. Danilyan O.G., Dzeban O.P., Kalynovskyi Y.Y. Social instability as a global trend of the modern world. Cogito. 2022. Vol. 14. Iss. 3. P.141-162.
28. Danilyan O.G., Dzeban O.P., Kalynovskyi Y.Y. Digital man as a product of information society. Cogito. 2023. Vol. 15. Iss. 1. P.142-159.
29. Danilyan O.G., Dzeban O.P., Hetman Y.A. Kalynovskyi Y.Y. Features of information war in the media space in the conditions of Russian aggression against Ukraine. Cogito. 2023. Vol. 15. Iss. 13. P.55-71.
30. Danilyan O.G., Dzeban O.P., Kalynovskyi Y.Y., Pavlichenko O.O., Serhieieva H.A. Aplicación de las tecnologías de la información en las instituciones de enseñanza militar superior de Ucrania en el contexto actual. Revista Academia y Virtualidad. 2023. Vol. 16. Num. 1. P.149-164.
31. Juan Sepúlveda, Oleg Danilyan, Alex Burgos. The courage of cardinal Raul Silva Henriquez in the civil military dictatorship of Chile 1973-1980. Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas. Número Espesial 50. 2024. P. 235-257.
32. Getman A.P., Danilyan O.G., Dzeban O.P., Kalynovskyi Y.Y. History of the formation and traditions of the Ukrainian cossack state in the 16th-17th centuries: institution and legal context. Cogito. 2024. Vol. 16, Iss. 2. P.29-55.